Lynlee\’s Life

June 7, 2008

Signing Off

Filed under: . — lynlee @ 7:15 pm

It came to my attention this week that people had been stealing photos from my blog and sharing them with other people without my permission.  Not friends of mine – but people I don’t know.

I thought very hard about this decision because, well, I like blogging.  A lot.  I enjoy being able to share my life with others, get support and encouragement, and maybe (hopefully) be an inspiration to someone else.

Unfortunately, that just isn’t possible any longer.  I put a lot of myself out there and to know that someone has chosen to disrespect my privacy is too much.  Shame on you, whoever you are.

I will still be blogging to keep track of my crafty endeavors.  If that is an interest of yours, you may visit me there.

Blog at